Conor Robert Bowen
Acts of Kindness
In his 17 months of life, Conor was full of love in everything he did. He was always smiling and started blowing kisses at 9 months of age and it quickly became his trademark move.
In an effort to raise awareness and to honor the loving spirit of Conor, we would like to invite you to perform acts of kindness in Conor’s name.
We ask that you click on the PDF on this page to print the Kisses for Conor cards and give the card to the recipient of your act of kindness.
Share your act of kindness with us on (click on facebook icon)
or post it on your social media and #kissesforconor
Please feel free to invite your family, friends and co-workers to participate. If you want to leave a stack of kindness cards at your work, you could print out the PDF flyer to provide people with more information. If you are a teacher and would like to include your students or if you are a parent and involve your children, we would love that!
Some ideas:
-Pay for someone’s coffee
-Leave baked goods on a neighbor’s steps
-Donate clothes or food. Donate blood.
-Volunteer at a soup kitchen or another community organization
-Leave a children’s book with the cashier to surprise the next customer or leave book at a playground
-Write a letter or card to someone who needs cheering up. It can be someone you know or send a card to a sick child using,
or find someone who needs a cheerful note from
You can shop through Amazon Smile and select SUDC Foundation. At no cost to you, Amazon will donate a percentage of the sale to the foundation.
Stickers and pencils at library
Stay tuned for news on future fundraisers and events honoring Conor's memory, including a family fun day in the spring